4 ride saver cards  saves Rs 60 on every purchase

Weekday rate  Rs 140/-
Weekend rate  Rs 220
Customers can use the scheme  for all rides listed below .
1) Bumper Car
2) Bumper Boat
3) Paddle |Boat
4) Ball Trampoline
5) Western Train
6) Wild Bull 
7) Astro Spin
8) Frog Jump
9) Bungy Jump
10) Hippo Cycle
11) Pirate Ship
12) Sunday Swirl

Go kart scheme Every Tuesday

 You save Rs 100 /- . The card is available at Rs 500/-  and can be redeemed for 2 X 10 laps.

2 time 10 Lap saver offer

For special offers call at counter 02265172735 during working hours